FAQ » Becoming Involved

Becoming Involved

How can I go about becoming a parent volunteer?
Volunteer applications are available in the front office, or you can contact the assistant principal, Dawn Randolph at 832-668-8200 for more information on becoming a volunteer.

Does our school have a parent organization, and how can I join?
Yes, our school has a PTO (Parent Teacher Organization). The PTO Executive Board meets regularly to discuss ways to support the school. The PTO also acts as an advisory group for the principal. 
Or if you are interested in learning more about how to become involved in PTO, simply contact the assistant principal, Dawn Randolph at 832-668-8200.

Does our school have any sort of campus decision-making committee, and are parents allowed to participate?
Our school has a Campus Improvement Committee (CIC) that meets monthly to make decisions that affect the school as a whole, such as budget, staffing and curriculum issues. The CIC is also often asked to provide input to the district-level decision-making committee. The CIC is made up of teachers, administrators, community members, business leaders and parents. Meetings are open to anyone who would like to observe the process.

Are there other opportunities to be involved in my child's education?
We offer family events or workshops throughout the year. These opportunities provide useful information for helping your students succeed by helping them at home. We have three big night events each year: Literacy Night, Bilingual Parent Night, and S.T.E.A.M. night. These workshops showcase what your student has been learning and the exciting instruction that takes place at PWE!